Main definition of the health is having free from the diseases.
There are different types of healthy foods that help us for our growth. Balance
diet food plays and important role to maintain the health of the people. Food
which contains protein for example fish, fat is more contained in a pork meat.
As we know that the red meat is harmful for us but we take it unnecessarily
which harms our health. First of all country should be aware and make strict laws
and regulation and implementation of it against the sale of contaminated foods.
We should also be aware of contaminated foods which damage the condition of the
health of ours. There is various importance of health some are enlisted below:
1: We can do our work properly while our health condition is
2: Healthy food helps us to fight against the germs.
Sweet potatoes are delicious to eat it.It contains high protein,
fat and vitamin especially vitamin A. If we leave the skin of potato we can’t
get it because potato contains the vitamin in their skin mainly and protein and
others in main part but the important part is the skin of the potato or its bark.
We shouldn't wash the rice more time or it will lose its protein. Some steps to
be followed to maintain the protein an vitamin in the food:
1: We shouldn't cut the vegetables in small pieces.
2: Avoid washing the vegetable or rice more times.
3: Cooking food for the long time may loss the proteins
contained in it.
4: Use of more oil should be reduced.
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